Art Direction
Visual Identity Design

RELISH is a Food & Lifestyle Multimedia, Multi-platform HD service showcasing video features on every screen from smartphones to connected TVs. RELISH features first-run food, fashion, and lifestyle programming from tastemakers throughout Canada.

Year: 2021

This is a Toronto Film School final project involving multiple areas of design.



The first part of the project is about representing the platform’s offering and values to create a visual identity, the second part is to apply the visual language across multiple media.

RELISH is urban, fun and entertaining, inspirational, and evokes an emotional connection with viewers. The network Conveys a passion for eating and living well.

Their programming celebrates contemporary living, with a layer of stylish environmental responsibility.

Their tone and feel are celebratory, forward-thinking, positive and inspirational, and life-affirming.

A flexible brand identity

To better represent the brand and what it stands for, I decided to create a set of rules to be used as brand identity, in this way the platform can produce content that matches better the different personalities of the content they offer.

The brand’s guidelines offer examples, dos, and don'ts of how to use the brand’s elements to keep it coherent yet its flexibility offers space for creative ways of using the elements and adapting them across multiple platforms (digital and print) without losing the brand’s voice.


1.RELISH aspirational: (attract)
Lifestyle images and phrases with high visual value (Eye candy). They are a visual affirmation of the network’s personality and aesthetic. This type of content attracts potential followers.

2. Free samples: (engage)
These kinds of posts are recipes, tips, hacks, etc. to engage users and convert followers. The intended audience is people who are interested in the network’s topics but do not necessarily consume its content.

3. Watch bait: (convert)
Highly engaging one-minute segments of the network’s programs to make people want to watch the full episode of a given show.


No green washing allowed

RELISH products are developed to be more than an advertising piece for the brand, they offer an added value for the platform’s audience because of their aesthetic and intended use.

RELISH is the modern eco network, therefore, all the products the brand produces should be a materialization of the brand’s environmental concerns. All the aspects of merchandising add to the eco-experience meaning that from packaging to material sourcing, the choices should be aligned with the brand’s values.